Focus and Scope

The Radovi Filozofskog Fakulteta u Sarajevu journal was first published in1963 and has been with interruptions a serial publication of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (ISSN 0581-7447). Since 2014, the Radovi Filozofskog fakulteta u Sarajevu has been published electronically (ISSN 2303-6990 on-line). The journal is published annually and it contains papers in the field of social sciences and humanities that undergo double-blind peer review. The Journal welcomes contributions within the domains of philosophy, philology, sociology, anthropology, ethnology, psychology, linguistics, literary studies, education and pedagogy, social work studies, library science, translation studies and other academic disciplines, approaches and branches of social sciences and humanities. The reviewed papers are categorised as:
- Original scientific paper
- Scientific review article
- Professional paper
- Review