Carska ideologija i njene kasnije izvedenice sa sarajevskim primjerima afirmiranja, negiranja i kopiranja u procesima izgradnje kolektivnih identiteta od kraja XIX stoljeća do danas / Imperial Ideology and its later Derivatives in the Processes of Collect


  • Amer Sulejmanagić Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage Sarajevo / Kantonalni zavod za zaštitu kulturno-historijskog i prirodnog naslijeđa Sarajevo
  • Amra Čusto Cantonal Institute for the Protection of Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage Sarajevo / Kantonalni zavod za zaštitu kulturno-historijskog i prirodnog naslijeđa Sarajevo


Empire, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, coats of arms, monuments, collective identity, regime change


The topic of the paper is the modern method of identity–building that emerges in Bosnia and Herzegovina with the arrival of the Dual Monarchy and is expressed through the emperor and dynasty, ceremonies, monuments, lands coats of arms and flags while promoting land identity; as well as the fate of these building elements in the regimes that followed. It starts with the idea ofthe Empire, traces its transformation to the destruction and revitalization of the imperial heritage as the idea of Central Europe, and the negation of imperial ideology with the practical takeover of its symbolic paradigm in the construction of state iconography and state identity by King Alexander Karadjordjevic and Tito. The fate of symbols, how and when they were introduced, redesigned–redefined, damaged, and most often removed those ones that had lost their meaning in political circumstances since the end of XIX. century to the present will be presented by analyzing changes at some of Sarajevo’s monumental state, military and public buildings.


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How to Cite

Sulejmanagić, A., & Čusto, A. (2020). Carska ideologija i njene kasnije izvedenice sa sarajevskim primjerima afirmiranja, negiranja i kopiranja u procesima izgradnje kolektivnih identiteta od kraja XIX stoljeća do danas / Imperial Ideology and its later Derivatives in the Processes of Collect. Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija Umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-Line, 7, 97–136. Retrieved from