Samostalnost u poslovnoj inicijativi dvije bosanske vojvotkinje: Jelena Hranić i Jelena Nelipčić / The Independece in Business Initiative of Two Bosnian Dutchessess: Jelena Hranić and Jelena Nelipčić
Jelena Hranić, Jelena Nelipčić, business, independence, investment, money, deposit, borrowingAbstract
It is not rare that we come across source material with records that confirm business activities of women in medieval Bosnia. A significant part of their engagement in the business world is closely connected to the positions these women performed as queens, wives or sisters of rulers or noblemen. Our task is to focus on the independent activities of two, maybe most representative women of medieval Bosnia when related to the business initiative. Based on available source material and literature we will follow behaviour in business of Jelena Hranić after the death of her husband Sandalj Hranić. From 1435 until her death we observe absolute independence of this Bosnian Duchess in creation of business connections especially with Kotor. On the other side, a parallel in business independence is also noticeable in the person of Jelena Nelipčić, the wife of the Bosnian Duke Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić. During her life Jelena Nelipčić, on the basis of her ancestry, social position and business skills gained an amount of money that she increased trough borrowing with an interest. Her authority, independence and skill are noticed in the process of business initiatives which made her along with Jelena Hranić one of the most prominent women of Bosnian Middle Ages, especially in the segment of business activities.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line

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