Pusino innocentissimo! Odnos prema smrti najmlađih u zajednicama južnog Ilirika: epigrafska, arheološka i ikonografska svjedočanstva / Pusino Innocentissimo! Attitude to the Death of the Youngest in the Communities of Southern Illyricum: Epigraphic, Archaeological and Iconographic Evidence
Illyricum, local communities, children’s burials, epitaphs, tombstones, iconographyAbstract
The paper is dedicated to the relationship between the communities of the south Illyricum according to the death of its youngest members. The focus is on epitaphs, tombstones, and rare relief representations, as well as funerary practices, the inventory and grave forms from the best-researched Roman-era necropolises in this area. Ancient sources will be analyzed with special attention, concerning attitudes towards the death of children at different ages, as well as the process and length of “official” mourning for the youngest.
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