Armija Republike Bosne i Hercegovine: organizacijsko-formacijske promjene i neke naznake razvoja 1992‒1995 / The Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Organizational and Formation Changes Along With Some Indications of its Development from 1992 to 1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina, territorial defence, the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovine, armed forces, aggression, defence, formationAbstract
In the persistent attempts to strengthen the various interpretative constructions of the post-Yugoslav armed conflicts, which are occasionally and on different sides presented not only through attempted scientific legitimation, but also with the pretentious character of national strategies, we often encounter theses about the discontinuity regarding the functioning and legitimacy of the state organs of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as of the constitutional structures intended for its defence from 1992 to 1995. This paper attempts to present the facts and indicators of the continuity of the development of the Territorial defence of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, demonstrating its most important phases, which were substantially and dynamically determined by the specific needs of pursuing armed conflict, the general military and political circumstances and the situation on the battlefield of Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have tried to emphasize the most important characteristics and some indicators of the substance of certain periods and phases of this development.
Izvori / Sources
Arhiv Armije Republike Bosne i Hercegovine (AARBiH)
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia – baze podataka sudskih dokumenata (ICTY)
Službeni list Armije RBiH (Sarajevo)
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