Operacija NATO-a u Bosni i Hercegovini “Deny Flight” / The NATO Operation in Bosnia and Herzegovina “Deny Flight”
NATO, UN, Deny Flight, War in Bosnia and Herzegovina, millitary interventions, UN ResolutionsAbstract
The operation “Deny Flight” represented NATO’s response to the conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina, starting on April 12, 1993, with the aim of enforcing the UN’s no-fly zone. Over the course of more than two years, the operation evolved, expanding its mission to provide close air support to UN troops and conduct coercive air strikes in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With 12 NATO member states involved and 100,420 flights completed by its conclusion on December 20, 1995, “Deny Flight” played a crucial role in shaping the Bosnian War and the NATO alliance itself. This operation marked NATO’s first combat engagement in history, demonstrating the alliance’s adaptability in the post-Cold War era. While the cooperation between the UN and NATO, though laying the groundwork for future joint operations, also caused tensions, especially after the taking of UN peacekeeping forces as hostages in response to NATO bombing. “Deny Flight” successfully prevented significant use of air power in the Bosnian war, paving the way for the subsequent key NATO operation, “Deliberate Force,” which played a role in ending the conflict.
Izvori / Sources
Rezolucije Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a
ICTY (International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia)
NATO saopštenja za štampu
The New York Times
Air & Space Forces Magasine
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