Narativ o osvajanju Bosne iz hronike HAŠT BIHIŠT / Narrative of the Conquest of Bosnia from The Chronicle of Hasht Bihish
conquest of Bosnia, Idrīs Bidlīsī, Hasht Bihisht chronicle, narrative of the conquest of Bosnia, 15th centuryAbstract
Although the chronicle Hasht Bihisht by Idrīs Bidlīsī was very well-known, it has not been presented in a comprehensive approach in the light of modern science. Only some events and questions he raised were often presented in the historical and political context of other studies. Among the historical events that Idrīs Bidlīsī includes in his chronicle are the conquests of the Balkan lands, including Bosnia, or more precisely Bosnia and Croatia as he stated. This paper will present his historical narrative about that dramatic event, which until now has not been presented as an isolated historical narrative, but was mentioned sporadically in the framework of wider studies. As a source for this article was used a direct copy of Hasht Bihisht from an autograph from 1571, belonging to the Ottenfels collection (No. 2), which is kept in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb.
Izvori / Sources
HR-HAD-750. Obitelj Ottenfels, Hešt Bihešt, br. 2.
Istanbul, Süleymaniye Kütuphanesi, Idris-i Bidlîsî, Heşt Behişt, Esad Efendi, br. 2199
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