ŠADINLIJA, M. Prsten za glavu aždaje: Sarajevo u strateškim ciljevima Republike Srpske 1992-1995 / A Ring for the Head of a Dragon: Sarajevo in the Strategic Goals of Republika Srpska 1992-1995. Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line, [S. l.], n. 3, p. 355–382, 2014. DOI: 10.46352/23036974.2014.355. Disponível em: https://ff.unsa.ba/subds/ejournals/index.php/radovihhua/article/view/439. Acesso em: 27 sep. 2024.