Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line 2023-07-17T11:13:36+00:00 Dr. Amra Šačić Beća, Editor in Chief ; Minela Radušić, Secretary to the Board Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify; background: white;"><em><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';">The Radovi Filozofskog fakulteta</span></em><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';"> (<em style="box-sizing: border-box;"><span style="font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';">Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija</span></em>) is a Journal has been published since 2010, and the journal is published annually. Articles can be published in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, or some other European language (English, French, German, Spanish, or Italian), the Editorial Board reserves the right to select the papers submitted in foreign languages. The Journal includes topics on archaeology and art history, and addresses a wide specter of topics such as: cultural, political, economic, military, or social history.</span></p> <p style="text-align: justify; background: white;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';"><em><span style="font-family: 'Segoe UI','sans-serif';">The Radovi Filozofskog fakulteta (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija) </span></em>Journal is published in hard copy and electronically.</span></p> Impressum 2023-07-14T12:12:32+00:00 Editorial <p>Impressum</p> 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Kontakt podaci autora / Authors details 2023-07-17T11:13:36+00:00 Editorial <pre id="tw-target-text" class="tw-data-text tw-text-large tw-ta" dir="ltr" data-placeholder="Prijevod"><span class="Y2IQFc" lang="en">Authors details</span></pre> 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Riječ urednika / Word of the Editor 2023-07-12T11:00:59+00:00 Amir Duranović <p>Foreword</p> 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Neobjavljeni arheološki materijal sa lokaliteta brda Stražbenica u naselju Bukovača kod Bosanskog Petrovca / Unpublished archaeological materials from the site of Stražbenica hill in Bukovača near Bosanski Petrovac 2023-07-12T12:16:29+00:00 Adnan Busuladžić <p>On the territory of the municipality of Bosanski Petrovac in the village of Bukovača., there is the fort on the Stražbenica hill. It is a known but unexplored locality that has been recorded in professional literature based on traces of architectural buildings, as well as movable archaeological material. To this day, it is known for its Roman coins, jewelry, fibulae, and late antique tomb and necropolis. In this context, there are accidental findings that are presented for the first time in this paper. These are coins, ceramics, horse shoes, three-edged arrows, fibulae that can be dated in a wide time interval from prehistory to late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages.</p> 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Trebinjski Kapičići, ljudi Ostoje Poznanovića / I Kapičić di Trebinje, gente di Ostoja Poznanović 2023-07-12T13:21:11+00:00 Esad Kurtović <p>The bearers of the surname Kapičić in the Trebinje area can be followed for a whole century in three generations (1417-1525). Preserved sources represent them for a long time as road robbers operating in the northeastern area of Trebinje, controlling the Bosnian (Drina) and Nikšić roads. At the beginning of the 16th century, they participated in credit trade as debtors and were engaged in the transportation of goods from Dubrovnik to Novi Pazar, Kruševac, Niš and Sofia. The Kapičići are the people of Trebinje lord Ostoja Poznanović. The first generation is represented by Dobro (1417-1426), Dobrilo (1417-1434), Ljubiša (1421-1444), Obrad (1434) and probably Radat Kapičić (+1421). Through three generations, the family line of Dobril Kapičić is best known.</p> 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line An Evaluation of the Second Constitutional Revolution Among Excessive Goals and Ideologies / Procjena druge ustavne revolucije između krajnjih ciljeva i ideologije - Razmatranja o drugom ustavnom periodu kroz hegemonijski jezik kreiran ideološkim teorijama i konceptima 2023-07-13T07:56:30+00:00 Arslan Bahar <p>Based on historiographical, political science and journalistic literature, this research shows the transformation of ideas among the bearers of change in the late period of the Ottoman Empire. Paper further evaluates the second constitutional revolution on the axis of hegemonic language mostly created by ideological theories and concepts such as positivism, narodnism, solidarism, corporatism, national economy but also concept and role of women and press in late Ottoman society. Author claims that paper is an attempt to deconstruct, albeit to a limited extent, the legacy that has been passed on from the Constitutional Monarchy to the present day in Turkey.</p> 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Šačić Beća, Amra – Mesihović, Salmedin – Veletovac, Edin. Magični svijet Ilira: historija zaboravljene civilizacije. Sarajevo: Mladinska knjiga Sarajevo, 2021, 317 str. 2023-07-13T08:36:42+00:00 Dženefa Merdanić Šahinović Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Enes Dedić, Bosansko kraljevstvo i Srpska despotovina (1402-1459). Sarajevo: Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Institut za historiju, Historijske monografije, 2021, 482 str. 2023-07-13T10:00:07+00:00 Esad Kurtović Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Hamdija Kreševljaković, Nekrolozi, ur. Amer Maslo. Sarajevo: O.Z. Rekultura/U.G. Videoarhiv, 2022, 275 str. 2023-07-13T10:16:42+00:00 Alen Borić Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Jure Ramšak, (Samo)upravljanje intelekta – društvena kritika u kasnosocijalističkoj Sloveniji. Sarajevo: Udruženje za modernu historiju / Udruga za modernu povijest, 2022, 267 str. 2023-07-13T10:37:47+00:00 Nedim Pustahija Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Xavier Bougarel, Handžar divizija. Waffen-SS u Bosni 1943-1945. Sarajevo: UMHIS, 2021, 294 str. 2023-07-13T10:45:41+00:00 Amina Šehović Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Radina Vučetić, Nevidljivi neprijatelj, variola vera 1972. Beograd: Službeni glasnik, 2022, 299 str. 2023-07-13T11:25:07+00:00 Fikreta Jakubović Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Prilozi, 50/2021, Sarajevo: Univerzitet u Sarajevu – Institut za historiju, 464 str. 2023-07-14T07:49:06+00:00 Edin Huseinović Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Almira Bećirović, Nazim Ibrahimović, Dodatak udžbeniku historije za deveti razred devetogodišnje osnovne škole. Tuzla, NAM, 2022, 64 str. 2023-07-14T07:58:00+00:00 Melisa Forić Plasto Book Review 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line Desanka Kovačević-Kojić (3. oktobar 1925, Sarajevo – 14. august 2022, Beograd) 2023-07-14T08:20:40+00:00 Esad Kurtović In memoriam 2023-07-17T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line