EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant

The EUPeace University Alliance invites all interested doctoral candidates who are enrolled and/or employed at one of the EUPeace member institutions to apply for its Doctoral Mobility Grant 2025. The EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant provides mobility funding for doctoral candidates from all EUPeace Alliance member sites for completing an academic stay at another EUPeace Alliance member institution.

The European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies, EUPeace, evolves out of nine core member universities that have committed their strategic international outlook in teaching, research and administration in higher education to foster a peaceful, just, and inclusive European landscape, at various levels. For this, we explicitly address all sciences and research fields, from the humanities and social sciences to the natural and life sciences as well as engineering.

Who can apply: The Mobility Grant is open to all doctoral candidates who are enrolled and/or employed at one of the EUPeace Alliance member sites.

Duration of the EUPeace Doctoral Mobility Grant: One, two or three months.

Purpose of the Mobility Grant: The mobilities are intended to advance joint and innovative forms of cooperation, explicitly considering the integration of academic findings in teaching activities within the Alliance.

Starting date: From June 2025 on until June 2026. For Doctoral Mobilities from July 2026 on, there will be a second Call for Applications 2026.

Universities from the EUPeace Alliance participating in the Doctoral Mobility Grant:

Germany: Marburg University (UMR), Justus Liebig University Giessen (JLU); France: University of Limoges (UNILIM); Italy: University of Calabria (UNICAL); Spain: Comillas Pontifical University (COMILLAS); Czechia: University of West Bohemia (UWB); Bosnia and Herzegovina: University of Mostar (SUM), University of Sarajevo (UNSA); Türkiye: Çukurova University (CU).
